Wednesday, February 15, 2012

PICU - day 9 - She responded....

The Vec has worn off. The nurse and respiratory therapist were doing Emylie's trach cares and she OPENED her eyes a sliver. She tried to say something. I told her I was here and asked if she was tired. She gently nodded her head yes. I told her it was okay for her to sleep. I also told her that her voice is resting so she can use her sign language. I don't want her to get frustrated that she isn't making sounds and words. She had a couple tears start to roll down her cheek. I told her I was wiping her tears. When she was well, she would always ask for a tissue so she could wipe her tears.

I also told her I loved her and she lifted her left hand as if she were trying to sign "I Love You".
The nurse said she might feel a little confused, so they will be very attentive to her level of comfort. They still want her very relaxed, sleepy, and comfortable so she doesn't fight the ventilator but allow her to wake up a little. She will now be a little responsive where as before she was not at all. The nurse, Crystal also mentioned that Emylie's awareness and how she responded was just what she would like to see. She was a little responsive and then went back to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mel! Maria, Ben and I are praying for you and Maria keeps asking about her "friend Emylie." She is praying for her too. You are such an amazing mother, Melanie. You have such a strong spirit and gift. Hang in there and give our love to sweet Emylie.
