Saturday, February 18, 2012

PICU - day 12 - Saturday

What a difference a day can make!
7:00am the nurse turned Emylie's oxygen down to 40% (he weaned it down through the night). The nurse was able to gradually get her down to 35% fio2 (oxygen) and her oxygen saturations were mostly in the mid to upper 90's. Yahooooo! That is super exciting. The swelling in her face is gone, she can open both of her eyes. She is more interactive. When I got to the hospital today she had a horse on her lap. She didn't want to let it go very far. She watched a little Mickey Mouse cartoons and also kept her Minnie Mouse close by. Seeing her eyes and a little smile lifted my spirit tremendously. I got to see a little bit of my little girl. She even held her arms out for me to give her a hug. Man I have missed her!
Joanne Beckstead came for a visit and brought Emylie darling magnetic dolls. She also brought some soup and veggies. The veggies totally hit the spot...I haven't had much the last few days. I truly appreciated Joanne coming by. I feel a special connection with her. Her darling daughter, Bri, was born with Spina Bifida much like Emylie. I felt like I could have talked with her for hours. Thanks Joanne for the visit!
Grandpa and Grandma H. Uncle Kent and Aunt Sherrie came for a visit just after. Emylie was awake during their visit. They brought some new little books and read a little with me and Grandma. She played with the clip on the badge I have to wear that says I am Emylie's mom.
She had a good day. She is still very sick and getting lots of support. Her movements are slow and weak. We are on the right track. At 7:00p they had us leave for shift change. She started to cry... it broke my heart. Thankfully Nate the nurse was willing to read a book with her and told her we would be back. I am so tired right now and really am not sure if any of this makes sense. I try to read over it and it feels foggy. So I am off to catch some zzzzz's. If you have questions let me know....if this doesn't make sense....sorry.


  1. Melanie,
    Thanks for the update...and a good one at that! We are so happy to hear of Emylie's improvement, she is a strong little girl(just like her mommy!) :) And it totally makes sense. We'll keep praying! Love ya!!!

  2. Oh Melanie,
    We are so glad that today was a good day! Emylie is such a little fighter! We can't stop thinking about you guys and are grateful to be able to know what is going on through the blog! We are praying for you all!
