Monday, February 20, 2012

PICU - day 14 Rounds...

Dr Bennett and Deb T. the nurse practitioner came by around 10:00 am for rounds. They are happy to see how well Emylie is doing. For today they are increasing the amount of fluid Emylie gets by 5cc/hour for a total of 38cc/hour (28pediasure and 10water). 5 cc= 1tsp. They felt she was ready to have her PEEP weaned down to 7. She no longer needs scheduled blood gases or daily x-rays. They want her to get an IV in and have the PIC line removed. The PIC line is a central line to the heart so has a greater risk of infection. She is doing well enough and off all her IV medications that they no longer felt she needed it! They want her moving around as tolerated and will have physical therapy start coming in to help her build up her strength.
So that was the plan....within a half hour the respiratory therapist came in and turned her PEEP down to 7. We read some Valentines from so many of you. She was excited to see them and would ask for more. We didn't make it through all of them before she wore out. By11:15 am the IV team came and successfully placed her IV in her left foot. I was so so grateful the lady got it on her first try! That doesn't always happen for Em. While the nurse was getting ready to remove the PIC line I asked if it would be ok to paint Emylie's nails. The nurse said yes and Emylie clapped. Once the IV was securely in place the PIC line was removed. To remove the PIC line, stitches have to be taken out and then the line is pulled out. Emylie didn't care for it to much but did fantastic as she always does. Her tolerance for this kind of stuff amazes me. She still can get anxious/nervous and cry but she handles it well overall. Around 12-noon I GOT TO HOLD MY BABY!!!! Yes that is right, we got a rocky chair next to her bed and with the help of a 2 nurses they were able to juggle all her cords and tubes and she and I got to snuggle. It felt so nice to hold her! I have scene how weak she is lying in the bed but holding her reinforced how weak her entire body is. She still is a little jittery but nothing like last night. A short time later we got Emylie back in her bed and within a few minutes she was sleeping comfortably. She has almost been sleeping for 2 hours. I am glad she is getting her rest. I am not sure when to anticipate her coming home and how she will be when coming home either but I feel we are getting closer and closer to getting her home. I am so grateful she is alive and making progress. Prayers are being answered, thank you for each one!

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