Saturday, February 11, 2012

PICU day 5-- Saturday

Around 5:40 am a chest xray was done. The findings the pleural effusion on the right side had increased. The Nurse Practitioner placed a pig tail chest tube on the right side without any complications. As of right now it has helped drain about 80cc of fluid.
They tried to take Emylie off the paraletic (vec) but ended up putting her back on because her oxygen saturations were dropping. They also tried to turn her PEEP setting down to 14 from 16 but ended up turning it back up as well because of her oxygen saturations dropping.
When she came in on Tuesday the did a protective brush, which is where they take a tiny brush and put it in her trach and down into her lungs to get a sample to culture. This morning the final results came back, the bug it grew is resistant to the antibiotic she has been on so they had to change the antibiotic. (it grew:
Corynebacterium; Strep Pneumonia resistant to climdamycin; So changed to levafloxacin) (Few Pseudomonas sensitive lexofloxacin and getnomicin) (The items in the last couple parenthesis are just some notes for me...)
Her O2 has been the same as yesterday with some occasional ups and downs.
She has a Lasix drip (to help her get ride of the extra fluid) and is having good results with her output.
Her Girth (abdominal measurement) is 52 from 54 (was 44" yesterday)

She has had a stable day. I am sorry I don't have a lot of details and some of the details wont be of interest to you, but I needed to have it written somewhere. She is still very very sick. Please continue to pray for her.

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