Friday, February 17, 2012

PICU - day 11 - Friday

This morning in between 7-8:00am, Emylie spiked a fever up to 39.5C (103.1F). The nurse gave her Tylenol and Motrin about 8:30am. The sent blood and urine for cultures to see if anything new has grown. They had shortened her i-time (inspiratory time) earlier this morning. She was on 60% oxygen with her lungs sounding coarse on both sides. Her work of breathing was still labored. She was using her neck muscles to breath and had nasal flaring. I am not sure how she would still have nasal flaring if she breaths through her trach and not her nose, but she did. She had blood around her trach stoma still and they are unsure the source. Her liver was further down her abdomen, which is a good thing. The 6:00am blood gas results: ph 7.43, co2 39, po2 57 and bicarb 25.7.
During rounds the medical team discussed considering the possiblity of paralyzing her again if her work of breathing increased. They wanted to decrease her pressure support 10 (the respiratory therapist made that change at 9:45). They added another antibiotic called vancomycin because of the high fever this morning. She still has the PIC line and the arterial line. They have added 5 cc of water each hour to be given through her g-tube. If she does well today the will decrease the PEEP to 9.
The day started off with ups and downs. Thankfully her fever went down by 9:32 am she was 37.6C. Her breathing wasn't as labored through the day but she still needed about 60% oxygen. When they tried to cath her to get urine for the culture both nurses were unsuccessful. They then had me try and I didn't have much trouble at all. I always get worried that I wont be able to cath her when others are standing by, so I was grateful I was able to do it. One of the nurses figured I should get her paycheck for the day...
Emylie woke a little bit for short periods of time. Her face was still swollen especially on her right side. Her poor eye was so swollen you could see all the veins. I think it probably hurt to try to open her eyes. By the afternoon the swelling had gone down a little.
Dr. Larsen (one of the attending doctors) stopped in to say hi. She had just finished her night shift. She is such an amazing lady. I am so grateful to know her and enjoyed the visit. A short time after she left, my brother, Matthew, surprised me and came for a visit. :) He was so kind and took the day off to be with me. A little bit later Dayna came too. And then a little bit after that, my sister, Michelle and her sweet daughter Kaylee stopped by on their way out of town. I asked Kaylee and Matthew to put some window clings on the window for Emylie to look at. It was sweet to watch Matthew ask Emylie where she wanted each one. It was nice to have someone to visit with and help pass the time. In the evening Grandpa and Grandma P. stopped by for a visit. Emylie was so sleepy when they got there....I told her they were here and she opened her eye for a second but she was so tired she couldn't keep them open.
Living in the PICU is stressful. It is a roller coaster ride that sometimes feels like every minute you have an up and down and then sometimes those up and downs come a little slower. You cannot see the track in front of you so you never know what to expect or plan for. You just have to hold on with faith and pray you can stay in your seat.
By 7:00pm they had decided to just let Emylie rest through the night. They were not going to change any of her settings. I was so grateful they decided not to change anything. I felt that she needed to just stay where she was at.
Dave came to stay the night with Emylie. He is such a good dad and I am sure he wishes he could be here more. I was having a hard time thinking of not being there but feel a little worn down. So I will head for home and try to get a better night sleep...

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