Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A little venting..... PICU - day 15

I am so irritated right now. I got back to Emylie's room a few minutes after 8 am. The nurse, Stephanie was charting...she was orienting with another nurse last week and now she is transitioning with nurse Nancy and they are caring for Emylie and the boy next door. I hadn't had breakfast yet and asked Emylie if it was ok if I left to go get something to eat. She said no. The nurse then said...I have to go next door really quick and then I will be back if you need to run upstairs. That sounded fine because I wasn't going to leave Emylie unless she was ok with it. I am pretty sure I have a sinus infection and wanted to see if I could be scene from the ENT's here. I went to call and they weren't open until 8:30am - it was only 8:11a.

Emylie and I colored. She played with her tablet for a few minutes and was getting so so sleepy. Her eyes would close and then she would open them and try to play. The wound care nurse came in and checked Emylie's right hand. It doesn't look good to me but the nurse said it is healing. She put some medical grade honey on the scab and then a bandage with silver in it around the scab and then covered it with clear tape. They will follow up in a couple days. Emylie was falling asleep while the wound care nurse was doing her thing. The two nurses came in for a quick second...they asked what the wound care nurse was doing. They barely heard the first part of what she said before they had to run next door. By this time is was a little after 9:ooam. I called the ENT's again and the earliest appointment they have is next Tuesday. Seriously!! That isn't going to work.

About 9:15am Emylie's feeding pump alarmed....it alarmed for 30 minutes before Nancy came and added more milk. I tried to find a nurse in the hall to see if someone else could help because I couldn't see either Stephanie or Nancy. I was so bothered! There was also a couple times Emylie's oxygen saturations dropped, I suctioned her a few times but the nurses did not respond to the alarms. I am so bugged and I am sorry you have to hear about it. I hate the feeling that I cannot walk out of her room for fear that those who's hands my daughters life is in will not respond. I think they are getting complacent.

I know that I can suction Emylie and I don't mind it....but I have to admit....sometimes I just want to be Mommy and cuddle and love her and let the nurse handle the medical stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Melanie!...I am so sorry you don't feel well and that the nurses aren't doing what they should! Hope things improve and REMEMBER you are allowed to vent! :)... We are here for you! and we continue to pray for you and Emylie and your sweet family. And today we'll say an extra prayer for those who are caring for sweet Emylie!
