Sunday, February 12, 2012

PICU - day 6 Sunday

How is Emylie doing?

She is stable yet still very very sick.

Dave stayed with her last night and sent me a text this morning to let me know that she had a good night, her temp was 37.5C (99.5F) and her oxygen saturation was 95% on 60% of oxygen.

Dayna came up to the hospital to sit with Emylie for a few hours so Dave came home for a little bit and then we both came back.

While we were at home I got a phone call from Emylie's nurse, Crystal. She wanted to let me know that Emylie's CO2 level was 70 (normal range 35-45). They changed a couple settings on the ventilator (PEEP - was at 16 dropped to 15 & PIP - was 34 and increased to 35). They were going to give her an hour and take another blood gas to see where she was at.....if her numbers didn't improve they were considering putting her on the oscillator (a more advanced ventilator). Even though this news was not awful, being at home and getting it did not help with the anxiety. I was painting Ellie and Elizabeth's fingernails and trying to have some quality time with them when the call came (Don't get me wrong, I am glad they called...I would have been upset if they hadn't). And after I just felt sick to my stomach and wanted to jump in the car and leave. I held myself together, had lunch/dinner with the family. Just as we sat down to eat Dayna sent me a text informing me that Emylie's CO2 had dropped to 62. While this is still high and above normal it is better than 70. Because her lungs are so sick it would be difficult to get her CO2 in the normal range so they tolerate a little higher level...just not as high as 70.

This morning the also tried to take her off the paraletic which they ended up putting her back on. While she was off of it, the nurse was changing her diaper and Dave saw Emylie try to open her eyes. He waited until they were done and started talking to her. He said she tried to say something (with her eyes closed) and would nod her head yes and no. He said it was pretty cool. Doesn't that make you smile??? It did me.

When we got here, she was sleeping and looked comfy. The nurse gave us the updates. Her fever is up above 101F again, but that can be expected a little because of the new antibiotic doing its thing. (Thanks Dayna for letting me know to watch for that).

My Uncle Bryant, Aunt Emily and two of their boys, Rendon and Sheldon stopped by to see Em. Parker...I am sorry you did not get to come in, but thanks for watching your sisters so your parents and brothers could.

Emylie still has extra fluid in her body, but today her body including feet and hands are warm. She is a strong beautiful little sweety and I look forward to getting her well and hearing her voice and seeing her beautiful blue eyes. Sweet dreams my little angel.

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