Friday, October 28, 2011

Trunk-or-Treat (23 of 31)

Today the family is all feeling better. So we rolled on over to the Trunk-or-Treat. The girls were all excited for the party, especially Emylie. She was excited to put on her Minnie Mouse costume and get in her wheelchair to go have some fun.

Ellie being the good big sister that she is took Emylie to fish and play the bean bag toss. Emylie was thrilled to pick her prize - Mickey Mouse Go Fish cards!

A short time later we went outside for trick-or-treating and she LOVED IT! Even though she cannot eat the candy she enjoyed getting it and putting it in her bag. She realized that some candy (a box of nerds) made sound. So with each new piece of candy she shook it to see the sound it made. She would quietly say, "trick-or-treat" in between cars and then when asked to say it, she would get shy and reach for my hand. After we had gone to each car and were headed back she very loudly said, "trick-or-treat!, trick-or-treat!"

Afterwards we rolled back home, I not thinking it through well enough did not bring a flashlight. So Grandma was kind and followed behind us in the car to give us light. Emylie would go forward a little, stop and then ask, "where's Grandma?" I would tell her that Grandma was behind us shining the car lights so we can see where we are going. To which she would say, "Oh, thank you Grandma!" She repeated that conversation a couple times. She has such a kind heart and I love to hear and see what she expresses.

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