Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Increased heart rate (20 of 31)

Yesterday evening Emylie's heart rate was higher than normal both awake and asleep. Her stomach was a little distended, so I vented her stomach and didn't get any air out. Nothing else was out of the ordinary...

Fast forward to this morning...her heart rate was still higher than normal and within an hour I figured out the reason. Diaper change...didn't even get a diaper on...diaper change...bath...diaper change...diaper change...etc...she has an upset stomach.

She took a much needed rest.

Shortly after waking from her nap she was playing on the floor next to her bed. Dave stopped by the house for a minute and after he left Emylie began crying. I told her "Daddy, will be back soon." She nodded her head in acknowledgement but continued to cry. Her lips started looking a little purple. I started to suction her and she started to fall backwards (almost like she was passing out).

Turned oxygen on, suctioned.

No improvement.

Thoughts of her dying were racing in my mind.

The steps of what I need to do are running through my mind. I pick her up, prepared to do an emergency trach change.

Suctioned again and her coloring started to improve and through the tears she says, "I better."

I am humbled every time something like this happens. How fragile each day, each hour, each minute is. I am INCREDIBLY grateful for each minute I have with each member of my family.

She began the day with an elevated heart rate.

My heart rate has now joined hers.

I hope she recovers quickly.

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