Thursday, August 11, 2011

Trach comes out twice in 3 days...

Trach = Airway

Trach out = No airway

Emylie's trach is changed weekly. Even with those planned changes, my adrenaline increases...I get nervous, scared, anxious, emotional (but well kept together). We do it and it goes well.

When the trach comes out unexpectedly...all those feelings are magnified and major fight or flight kicks in.

Tuesday morning I was getting ready for the day. The night nurse was still with Emylie. I heard Emylie crying and knew by the sound of her cry something wasn't right. I went to the bottom of the stairs to try and listen for more information when I hear the nurse say, "hold on...we got to get it back in." I couldn't get upstairs fast enough. Thankfully by the time I got up there the nurse had Emylie's trach in and all was well other than the emotional upset Emylie and each of us were feeling.

Tonight I was reading books to Elizabeth and my niece when I heard alarms and then my parents yelling for me. I flew upstairs as fast as I could to hear Dave say, "Emylie!" The tone in his voice...I've heard is how his voice sounds when he is trying to make sure she doesn't pass out. As I got around the side of her bed she was a dusky color. Dave had a new trach in his hand. He put it in. Put the vent on. Her coloring improved. He sat her up. I attached the ties and turned up the oxygen. She was better other than the tears running down her face and the emotions. I wonder what she feels and how frightening it is for her. I know what I feel and cannot imagine how she must feel when it happens.

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