Thursday, June 28, 2018

Many thanks!!

Have you ever needed something but were unsure how it would ever become a reality?

With the kindness and generosity of so many, (friends, family, friends of friends, friends of family, community members and local  businesses) our families need for a wheelchair van has become a reality!

It is more life changing than we imagined. We are so grateful for the every part played... From prayers, many many acts of service, every donation from $0.34 and up, the Christmas miracles. It all added up and made a dream come true... And continues to make dreams come true.

Many adventures have already been made possible as well as the ability to travel to multiple doctor appointments...

Thank you from Emylie and our family!!! Thank you for the opportunity you have helped create. Thank you, thank you so very much!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you and your cute family. You deserved the best and I'm glad you got it. Love you all! - Jen Evans
