Saturday, November 5, 2011

Concert for Emylie (31 of 31)

Today was the benefit concert for Emylie.
It was beautifully put together and the music and poetry were very entertaining.
Yodelling, fun cowboy poetry (I learned a few things about a cowboy), great songs, and a raffle and silent auction.

I enjoyed watching Emylie enjoy the music.

THANK YOU Karen, Rayne and Richard and all the others who helped make it possible.

THANK YOU to all of you who came out in the snowy weather.

My heart is full and I can't seem to put into words how it feels to see people come together to help my little girl and our family.

Thank you seems so inadequate.

(I am having trouble uploading the pictures...)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Color to White in seconds....(30 of 31)

This may be of little interest to you but I am feeling like I am having a difficult time coming up with #30 post. So...I am going to talk about the weather!

Early this evening I mowed the lawn.

It was cool outside but not bad.

Towards the end of my mowing I removed my jacket.

Cleaned up.

Ate dinner.

Looked out to see rain.

Got the kids in bed.

Opened the door when the nurse arrived only to see...


Holy Guacamole - it is crazy how fast the weather can change around here.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

MOMS study (29 of 31)

During my pregnancy with Emylie I had a blood test done at 16 weeks that screened for a few different disorders. When the test came back abnormal the next step was to have an ultrasound done to see if the test was correct and if so for what disorder or if everything was okay.

The first of 2 ultrasounds was somewhat inconclusive. We had to wait 2 more weeks for the second ultrasound which showed the opening in Emylie's lower back and her diagnosis of Spina Bifida was given. At this time the radiologist told me to look up the MOMS study as not only a resource but also something we should consider. With more research we didn't feel like it was something we should participate in (for varying reasons), but I find it very interesting and amazing to think of the things that can be done. If you want check it out

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What do you want to know? (28of31)

Do you ever find yourself not asking a question for fear of offending someone?

Do you want to know how something works?

Do you want to know how someone feels?

Do you want to look at someone because there is something different about them but then feel guilty for looking because they have something different about them?

Since Emylie's birth, I have been more aware of others around me. And when I see someone with differences, I want to ask questions, but don't want to offend them and sometimes don't know how. I think it is normal to be curious. I don't think all looks are meant to be negative, perhaps just inquisitive. There are some that I have felt are more approachable and so I ask. I want people to be able to ask me questions. So if you have a question, let me know.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spina Bifida website....(27 of 31)

A great resource:
Utah Spina Bifida Intermountain Support Group